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Oh, de boll weevil am a little black bug
Come from Mexico, dey say
Come all de way to Texas
Jus' a-lookin' foh a place to stay
Jus' a-lookin' foh a home
Jus' a-lookin' foh a home
Now de first time I seen de boll weevil
He's a-settin' on de square
De next time I seen de boll weevil
He had all of his family dere
Jus' a lookin' foh a home
Jus' a-lookia' foh a home
De farmer say to de weevil:
'What make yo' head so red?'
Weevil say to de farmer
'It's a wondah I ain't dead
A-lookin' foh a home, boss
Jus' a-Iookin' foh a home'
De farmer take de weevil
An' he put him in de red hot fire
Weevil say to the farmer:
'Here ay area, here ay are'
It'll be my home, yawza
It'll be my home'
The captain say to the missus
'What do you think of that?
Boll Weevil done made a nest
In my best Sunday hat'
But I have a home
But I have a home
The Boll Weevil got half the cotton
The _____ got the rest
Didn't leave the farmer's wife
But one old cotton dress
And it full of holes
It a-full of holes
Naw' if anybody should ax you
Who it was dat a-made dis song
Tell 'em to the _____ ______
Wid a paih o' blue duckin's on
Ain' got no home, no sir
Ain' got no home