You and I Yeah, we rarely agree But we both love drugs Remember when your drug was me? You drive me around While I'd inhale your eyes
I picked up your shoe You told me \'Now when I look at my shoe it is your fingers that I'm gonna see\' And has it worn off Or just been replaced? How you breathe a new face
Now you're years away from it all When you look back I wonder which parts you'll recall How in the end I couldn't go there Or the moments I was so there
You and I we were driving around I was someone else's girl But we refused to let it get us down Knowing you and I acting low just [? 1:41] the high
We passed a motel The sign had fireplaces And it glowed like the gates of hell
And did we go in In sin Or did we drive on by?
Now you're years away from it all When you look back I wonder which parts you'll recall How in the end I couldn't go there Or the moments I was so there
You and I does not exist anymore We're a picture in my head You're in the sea I'm watching from the shore
Can't decide to stay out or get in Be what I've been Or strip down and swim
In the end I am [? 4:26-4:38] Leave him behind and drive on Drive on (x18)