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Here's a special request
Hope you enjoy it
I tried to find how my heart could be so blind, dear
How could I be fooled just like the rest
You came on strong with your fast car and your class ring
Soft voice and your sad eyes, I fell for the whole thing
I don't regret for having met up with a girl who
Breaks hearts like they were nothing at all
I've done it too, now I know just what it feels like
And just like I said I have no regrets
Well it's about time to close
I hope you've had as much fun as we have
Don't forget the jam session Sunday
Mandy Tension will be by, playing his xylophone troupe
It'll be a lot of fun
Monday night is the Dance Contest Night
Twist Contest
We give away ah peanut butter and jelly
There'll be sandwiches for all of you
It really has been fun
I hope we've played your requests
The songs you like to hear
Last call for alcohol, drink it up folks
Nice to see you Bob, how's it going?
How's your kids?
Nice to see you, yes
Oh, Bill Bailey?
Ah we'll get to that to- morrow night
Caravan with a drum solo? Right
We'll do that!
Nice to see you again
Yeah, la la la la
Down at the Pompadour A-Go-Go
Shoobe-doot 'n-dadada, ada-da-dahhh ...
Nya-da-da, nya-da-da...
'nite all!...