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I watch you and your friends
You stick out so sorely girl
Did you grow up a poorly girl?
Girls who don't go out and play
Are you at your wits' end?
With these meaningless conversations
Well I'll tell you they test my patience
And maybe we could be friends
As light as a feather why oh
Grade A smart clever why oh
She's no Heather why oh
So I see a life together why
Hannah, she lives, she breathes
She's beautifully unconventional
She seems to be
From the best place in the world
Must be the best place in the world
Head way up in a storm cloud
Calm but so extreme
Did you ever analyze your dreams?
You know, nothing is what it seems
You're a walking contradiction
Cute with such conviction
But dark as a devil who walks
And as loyal as a stalker who stalks
Changing like the weather why oh
As tough as leather why oh
Floating in the ether why oh
Friends forever why
Heather, she lives, she breathes
She's beautifully unconventional
She seems to be
From the best place in the world
Must be the best place in the world
She's beautifully (unconventional)
I'd love to see (her rise above us all)
I long to be (with her forevermore)
She's beautifully
As light as a feather
Grade A smart clever
Floating in the ether
Friends forever I hope