A dog barking at the crack of dawn A baby's crying 'cause his mama's gone I toss and turn and then I stretch and yawn Another morning, another day In the heart of Harlem
I feel the tenement coming alive Another working day I've gotta survive Fighting the foreman from 8:30 till 5 To make a dollar so I can live In the heart of Harlem
I pitch and kick and Get my feelings hurt downtown I'm just a little spoke That helps the wheel go round
If I was rich, maybe I'd move away Out to the country where my kids could play But I can't make it on my poor man's pay We gotta stay here, can't get away Get away from Harlem
If I was rich, maybe I'd move away Out to the country where my kids could play But I can't make it on my poor man's pay We gotta stay here, can't get away Get away from Harlem
Deep, deep in the heart of Harlem So deep, so deep, so deep In the heart of Harlem