Forced march down this path of sorrow to an end that doesn't justify. Handschained, running driven upon those that fall they tread.Conditioned by a warped value system to not look back, just pushahead. Lives of excess, lust and material greed.A slave to their own desires, apathetic to those in need. Devoid of love nopeace inside. Blinded by their manic greed.Thoughts consumed with the thoughts of the worthless.This is their reality.Devoid of love no peace inside. Blinded by their manic greed.Thoughts consumed with the thoughts of the worthless.This is their reality.I have to free myself from all this madness in my struggle to survive.As time progresses time reveals theanswers. At last I break through the surface and come to life.Minds filled with turmoil, nothing pacifies. Forced march downthis path of sorrow to an end that doesn't justify.Hands chained, running driven upon those that fall they tread.Conditioned by a warped value system to not look back, just push ahead.Lives of excess, lust and material greed. A slave totheir own desires, apathetic to those in need.Devoid of love no peace inside. Blinded by their manic greed. Thoughtsconsumed with the thoughts of the worthless.This is their reality.
Earth Crisis Forced March
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