The fire of greed burned within their minds.They destroyed the paradisethat filled their eyes. From the east the swarmedto pillage to populate the righteous under siege.The stream of invaders rose into a raging flood.Now the arrow shaft lays broken where the grasses dripped with blood.Unavenged apparitions of thedead walk down this trail of tears that never ends.Conquered by the sword, by treaties that were lies.Millions perished in the wars for their genocide.Decimated by manifest destiny.Tortured and enslaved in the name of christianity.The stream rose into a raging flood.Now the arrow shaft lays broken where the grasses dripped with blood.Unavenged apparitions of the dead.Walk down this trail of tears that never ends.Manifest destiny prevails. Felled their rainforests, flood their lands.Ancient cultures destroyed by so-called civilized man.The tribal peoples of today survival is at stake. History meansnothing if nothing's learned from past mistakes.Stop the unseen holocaust.
Earth Crisis Unseen Holocaust
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