Lulled into a walking sleep, youth primed to fall. In theminds of tyrants, might justifies.These are the thoughts that fester within their minds.To the victors go the gains, time'slesson taught. Tomorrows victims, the past forgot.Swords beaten into rust, but not by all. Lulled into a walking sleep,youth primed to fall. In the minds of tyrants,might justifies. These are the thoughts that fester within their minds.The right of strength is the right to take it all.The right of strength is the right to take it all.The right of strength isthe right to take it all.The right of strength is the right to take it all.Smash or be smashed. Inmates of a mercilessworld. Smash or be smashed. Inmates of a merciless world.Smash or be smashed.
Earth Crisis Smash Or Be Smashed
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