Refren: Haida numa' si numa' Fata mandra ti-oi jura Inima si gura ta Zau Amuta le-oi tuca Haida numa' si numa' Om frumos ca badita Ori si unde as cata In lume n-asa afla
Foaie verde foi si-o fraga Viata mi-i atat de draga S-am pornit in lumea larga Doar cu clopul si-o desaga Am cantat si-am tucurit Fete faine am iubit Ca mi-s pui de morosean Nu ma dau pa nici un bal
Bade-n lume ai plecat Si de mine ai uitat Dar eu stiu ca nu-i asa Mandra ta mandruta ta Hai badita, hai la mine Nu ma face de rusine Ca esti pui de morosan Mandru tare feciorean
Haida numa' si numa' Hop s-asa s-asa Haida numa' si numa' Hop s-asa s-asa
Ca mi-e mie orice-ar fi Nu ma satur de-a iubi C-asa m-o facut mama Sa fiu dulce ca mierea Mandrulita ce sa fac Daca mandrile ma plac Dar raman cu dor si jeale Si cu cantecele mele
Lasa mandrile in pace Si la mine te intoarce Dar invata a ceda Dup-aceea te-oi ierta Or veni mandre la tine Sa te faca de rusine Dar eu mandrulita ta Te-oi iubi toata viata
Haida numa' si numa' Inima si gura ta Haida numa' si numa' Om frumos ca badita Ori si unde as cata In lume n-asa afla
Haida only 'and only' Hop have been so so
Chorus: Haida only 'and only' Proud girl you swore sheep Heart and your mouth Really speechless them sheep tuca Haida only 'and only' Nice man that Badita Times and where I cata The world is not so
Green leaf paper and a berry My life and so dear They have turned the world wide Only clop and a bag I played and I Tucurui Cool girls I loved As a baby I have morosean Do not give me any dance steps
Baden-n the world you left And I forgot But I know that right Your your pride pride Badita Come, come to me Do not make me ashamed 're Young morosan Mighty proud feciorean
Chorus: .. X2
Haida only 'and only' Hop have been so so Haida only 'and only' Hop have been so so
As it me whatever it is Not get enough of the love C-like mother made ??me a To be sweet as honey Mandrulita what to do If like me proud But stay with longing and jeale And my songs
Let alone pride And I go back But learn to give -After that you forgive sheep Or come proud of you Embarrass you But I mandrulita your I love sheep all your life
Chorus (x2): ..
Haida only 'and only' Heart and your mouth Haida only 'and only' Nice man that Badita Times and where I cata The world is not so