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Song:Ma bate vantul, ma bate
Album:Ma bate vantul, ma bateGenres:Etno
Year:2005 Length:236 sec


R: Ma bate vantul, ma bate
Si din fata si din spate, of, of
Ma apleaca la pamant, mai
Dar eu ma ridic si tot mai cant.

I. Omul cand ii suparat,
Merge pe drum cu capul lasat
Si-are pasul maruntel
Ca necazul ii scai dupa el

R1: Necajit e omul, Doamne,
Cand se culca si n-adoarme
Mult mai mult s-o supara, mai
Asa de n-o sti Doamne canta:

Ma bate vantul, ma bate
Si din fata si din spate, of, of
Ma apleaca la pamant, mai
Dar eu ma ridic si tot mai cant.

II. Omul fara suparare
Muta muntii din loc in spinare
Noaptea doarme linistit
Ca necazul iar l-a ocolit

III. Fain in viata-i s-ai noroc
Ca nu-l gasesti peste tot
Si-atunci cand te-o mai lasa, mai
Ca necazul sa plece oi canta:

Ma bate vantul, ma bate
Si din fata si din spate, of, of
Ma apleaca la pamant, mai
Dar eu ma ridic si tot mai cant.

IV. Cum ti-i scris asa traiesti
De necaz nu poti sa te feresti
Iar de norocul iti vine
Sa nu-l tii pe tot doar pentru tine

Ma bate vantul, ma bate
Si din fata si din spate, of, of
Ma apleaca la pamant, mai
Dar eu ma ridic si tot mai cant.

Ma bate vantul, ma bate
Si din fata si din spate, of, of
Ma apleaca la pamant, mai
Dar eu ma ridic si tot mai cant.


A: I beat the wind blows me
And the front and back, of, of
I bend down, more
But I can not get up and growing.

I. Man when he upset
Go on the road with her ??head
She is chopped up
As he velcro trouble after he

R1: Sorrow is the man, O Lord,
When I lie down and sleep
A lot more angry, more
So I know God sings a:

Wind me, beat me
And the front and back, of, of
I bend down, more
But I can not get up and growing.

II. Man no offense
Move mountains in back
Night sleep peacefully
That it avoided the trouble and

III. Fain life I have luck
Not find him everywhere
And when you leave it more, more
As trouble go sings sheep:

Wind me, beat me
And the front and back, of, of
I bend down, more
But I can not get up and growing.

IV. How did i wrote it live
The trouble can not stay away
And fortune comes
Do not keep it all to yourself

Wind me, beat me
And the front and back, of, of
I bend down, more
But I can not get up and growing.

Wind me, beat me
And the front and back, of, of
I bend down, more
But I can not get up and growing.


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