Sleepy alligator in the noon day sun,
Lyin by the river just like he usually done.
Call for his whiskey, he can call for his tea,
Call all he want to, but he cant call for me.
Oh no! Ive been there before,
And I aint gonna come around here any more.
Creepy alligator coming all around the bend,
Shoutin about the times when we was mutual friends,
I checked my memory and I checked it quick, yes I will.
I checked it runnin some old kind of trick.
Oh no! well Ive been there before,
And I aint gonna come around here any more.
Sailin down the river in an old canoe,
A bunch of and an old tennis shoe.
Out of the river all ugly and green,
Came the biggest old alligator that Ive ever seen!
Teeth big and pointy and his eyes were buggin out,
Contracted the union, put the beggars to rout.
Screamin and yellin, he was pickin his chops,
He never runs he just stumbles and hops.
Just out of prison on ten dollars bail,
Mumblin bitches and waggin his tail.
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