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Oh, sing a song for ireland my young love said to me
The hills of Connemara, banks of my lovely Lee
So I tuned up my fiddle in the town of Ballybay
Oh sing for me and think of me she mournfully did say
Sure I2m an Ulster Orangeman from Erin2s Isle I came
Pure old Dicey Riley I2m still haunted by your name
I am a little beggarman and beggin2 I have been
In Dr. Johnson2s motorcar I2ll take you home Kathleen
I2ve been a wild rover
and I2ve been seldom sober
Drank many a pint topped up with foam
I tramped the world over
from Brisbane to Dover
But I long to be back home
Limerick you2re a lady in the merry month of may
As I rode out to Galway-Town me heart is growing grey
If I were King of Ireland and all thing at my will
I followed Captain Farrell and young Eamonn of the hill
A long way to Tipparary a long way from Clare to here
Now I curse the time it takes to reach my Cavan girl so fair
Tis of a brave young highwayman this story I will tell
You may talk and write and boast about and bid your last farewell