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E totul in viteza Delir cat cerul de inalt Suntem in antiteza Subiectii unui simplu joc murdar
Ochii mei, rusinati, coboara doritor Dar te respir, in acest urban decor
Ma ucide ea Ma ucide ea Incet
Imi vrea inima Imi vrea inima Din piept
E atat de gratioasa Printre multimi de oameni Plictisiti pe drum
Si pare un dans ascuns Supusi, danseaza doi necunoscuti
Ochii mei, rusinati, coboara doritor Dar te respir, in acest urban decor
Ma ucide ea Ma ucide ea Incet
Imi vrea inima Imi vrea inima Din piept
Ma ucide ea Ma ucide ea Incet
Imi rupe inima Imi rupe inima Din piept
Arde pe asfalt si pulseaza foc Arde, arde revoltat Arde prea frumos, arde inima Arde, recunosc
Ma ucide ea incet, incet Imi rupe inima, da, din piept Tremura usor buzele muscate Iar gravitatia ma ataca
Fluturi si vibratii calde pe asfalt De parca ne plimbam desculti, prin pat Sirene de incendiu care nu ne pot opri Iar timpul, un nemernic, numara grabit
Ma ucide ea Ma ucide ea Ma ucide ea Ma ucide ea Da, da
Everything in speed Delirium as tall sky We are antithetical Subjects of a simple dirty game
My eyes, ashamed, anxious down But I breathe in this urban setting
I kill it I kill it Slow
I would like heart I would like heart breast
It's so graceful Among the crowds Bored on the way
And it seems a hidden dance Subject two strangers dancing
My eyes, ashamed, anxious down But I breathe in this urban setting
I kill it I kill it Slow
I would like heart I would like heart breast
I kill it I kill it Slow
I am heartbroken I am heartbroken breast
Asphalt and pulsing fire Burn Burn, burn outraged Burn too beautiful, heart burn Burn recognize
It kills me slowly I am heartbroken, yes, breast Bitten lips trembling slightly And gravity is attacking me
Butterflies and vibration hot asphalt Like barefoot walk through bed Fire sirens that can not stop us And time, a jerk, rushed counts
I kill it I kill it I kill it I kill it
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