Kristofer David went walking one day On a grassy knoll underneath the sun He skipped through the carpet of daffodils and daisies Lookin' for the ladybug of love He met Spencer the spider, dressed all in black Weaving his web of sorrow 'Have you seen the ladybug of love?' 'My web grumbled in and would not hold her'
Kristofer David went running on his way He left Spencer dangling by a thread He played with the branches of the trees bending gracefully In the frisky spring-time wind He found Selma the snail, hiding in a shell And asked her if the ladybug was with her 'No' came a tiny voice shyly from within 'I'm only having tea with myself'
Kristofer David left Selma sadly slipping Trough a field of blue-forget-me-nots Then off to the quiet pond beyond the four-leaved-clover Maybe there he'd find the ladybug of love Just then Willard the wasp came swooping through the air He bullied everybody with his stinger 'Have you seen the ladybug of love?' 'Love? Now baby don't you know that love can really sting you?'
Kristofer David left Willard preening proudly There were the gold narcissus grow He leaped over sticks and stones leading down a dusty road Still lookin' for the ladybug of love He met Gurdy the grasshopper, the biggest mouth around Boring everybody with her gossip 'I've just seen that so called ladybug Spreading her love much to freely'
Kristofer David left Gurdy green with envy 'Cause the ladybug had love that she had not Then he heard a small voice giggling And looked upon his shoulder There sat the ladybug of love That's when he knew she'd been with him all the time 'Cause love's with you anywhere you go Then Kristofer David and the ladybug Sailed off on a cloud made of love