Go to sleep my babies Don't you wake up The stars will keep you company So close your eyes Old Uncle Moon will shine his dearest sweetest dreams And hold you in your arms Until the morning comes.
Night Light
Dark the night, not a sound Damp and cold, frosty ground Above your head the lion screams To tear you from your moonlit dreams.
Damp with sweat, mouth is dry Twisted branches catch the eye Beside your bed the angel stands You cannot touch his withered hands.
Guardian Angel
As the lion's eyes dance before me They are kindly yet bloody red I can see that he is smiling But I cannot live inside his head.
There the needle stands before me I climb inside it towards the light Where the angel stands in glory His sword of peace defends the night.
So the world is spread before As I fly high on angel wings But the angel is deceiving For he is weeping as he sings.
Night Light (continued)
Early birds, morning breeze Spinning leaves, sleepy trees Gently tap the window pane It's good to see the sun again.