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Song:Cantec pentru mama
Album:Cantec pentru mamaGenres:Despre Parinti
Year:2012 Length:357 sec


Tare necajita ai fost mama
Iarna, vara, orice timp trecând
Cât era de frig si de caldura
Tot desculta te-am vazut umblând

N-ai purtat o haina mai ca lumea
O scurteica veche doar aveai
Dar si pe aceea totdeauna
Doar de sarbatori o îmbracai

Ochii tai ardeau ca doua stele
Le mai vad luminile si azi
Boabe mari de lacrime ca roua
Le stergeai cu mâna pe obraz

Tot asa te stiu de cand tin minte
Pe picioare-ai mers la drum mereu
Nici în car nu te suiai de teama
Boilor sa nu le fie greu

Ce pacat ca n-ai trait maicuta
C-ai plecat fara de timp în lut
Ce pantofi ti-as fi adus acum
Si ce haina, azi, ai fi avut

Ce pacat ca n-ai trait maicuta
c-ai plecat fara de timp în lut
Ce pantofi ti-as fi adus acuma
Si ce haina ai fi avut

Mama esti mai frumoasa
ca o duminica fara sfârsit
Când se-aude plânsul ierbii
Sunând sub câmpul înverzit

Acolo peste munti de gheata
Unde miroase a gutui
Stau zâne albe si învata
Ruga ta spusa nimanui

Cu cât ma-ndeparteaza vremea
Cu cât te uita carnea mea
Eu ma gândesc plângând
la clipa când nu te voi putea vedea

Ce dar sa-ti dau dar ce pot înca
din saracia care-o am
Decât sa te întorc la clipa
Acelor ani când nu eram

Mama esti mai frumoasa
ca o diminica fara sfârsit
Când se-aude plânsul ierbii
Sunând sub câmpul înverzit

Nu am
nu am
moarte cu tine nimic
eu nici macar nu te urasc
cum te blestema unii —
la fel cum lumina pârasc

dar ce-ai face tu
si cum ai trai
de-ai avea mama si-ar muri
dar ce-ai face tu si cum ar fi
de-ai avea copii si-ar muri?

Nu am moarte cu tine nimic
Eu nici macar nu te urasc
Oi fi tu mare, eu oi fi mic
Dar propria-mi viata traiesc
Nu frica, nu teama
Mila de tine mi-i
Ca n-ai avut niciodata mama
Ca n-ai avut niciodata copii
Nu am moarte cu tine niMIC


Loud have been troubled mother
Winter, summer, every time passing
How was the cold and heat
Also I saw you walking barefoot

You wear a coat in May the world
An old knee-long only you had
But the one forever
Only festive dress

Your eyes burned like two stars
Lights and see them today
Broad beans with tears like dew
Delete them by hand on cheek

So you know you remember
On foot you always walk on the road
Neither the car and they went up not fear
Horse not to be hard

What a pity you have not lived nun
C time you left without clay
What I'd brought shoes now
And that coat today you had

What a pity you have not lived nun
c time you left without clay
What I'd brought shoes now
And what clothes you had

Mother are more beautiful
that endless Sunday
When be heard weeping grass
Calling in green field

There, over the mountains of ice
Where the smell of quinces
White fairies sit and learn
Your Ruga told anyone

The I-ndeparteaza time
The Look at my flesh
I think crying
the moment when I will not be able to see

What gift to give you but you can still
of poverty that I have
Rather than go back to the moment
Those years when I was not

Mother are more beautiful
a decrease endless
When be heard weeping grass
Calling in green field

I have
I have
dying with you nothing
I do not even hate you
As you curse some -
just as light PARASCA

but what would you do
and how you live
You have the mother would die
but what would you do and like
of you have children and die?

I dead to you nothing
I do not even hate you
You may be great, I have small sheep
But living my own life
No fear, no fear
I pity you and
That you've never had mother
That you've never had children
I dead to you nothing!


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