Proud we're staying On the stage of life Don't notice the fruits Of vanity are right here They destroy the boards We're stayin' on while Our whole life we're playing A dangerous song O Unscitia Est Mater Arrogantiae Frangit Deus Omne Superbum O Liberum Ad Arbitrium God will punish everyone Who dares rising up upon All his kind and lovely creatures Lord's changing all your mind Sequitur Superbos Noctu Ultor A Tergo Deus Modo Totus Mundus Agit Histrionem O Theatrum Mundi In Theatro Orbis Noctu Terrarum Versari Modo Auri Sacra Fames Theatralis O Spectaculum In Extenso In Persona Mago Servo Teatro Delo Neapoli Noctu Charthagine Delphis Mod Ars Amatoria Ars Antiqua Ad Arbitrium The theatre of life Sets in the right light The arrogance of a fool Disgusting beautiful Nobody wants to care Of how many pain's there We are too blind to see How easy life could be O Unscitia Est Mater Arrogantiae Frangit Deus Omne Superbum O Liberum Ad Arbitrium God will punish everyone Who dares rising up upon All his kind and lovely creatures Lord's changing all your mind (Repeat chorus twice) Ars Amatoria Ars Antiqua Ad Arbitrium Ars Amatoria Ars Antiqua Ad Arbitrium